We cannot hold a torch to light another's path without brightening our own. Ben Sweetland

Monday, April 12, 2010

The Appeal of Avatars

Last night, I, for reasons unknown, decided to teach my husband (also a teacher) how to use avatars. He was sitting in our pokey little office trying desperately to write up a unit for his HPE class (yes, it was to be used during Term 2, leaving things till the last minute has always been his style!), whilst I slaved away on the laptop with my uni work... a riveting and very social Sunday evening for us! I poked my head in and saw the document he was creating on muscles, and surprised myself by suggesting he use an avatar to introduce the topic. I was proud as punch at showing him something useful and we managed to lighten our dull evening with a giggle or two. So I thought I'd post his avatar introducing muscles... with his very clever impersonation of Borat... we both agreed the kids'll love it!!

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