Trusty old power point eh?! Though I didn't give power point the best wrap in previous postings, since using it on numerous occasions during my EPL, I have been surprised by its benefits. It provides an easy way to incorporate lots more visually stimulating material into my lessons and the students seem to really appreciate it! It has also left me more confident with topics I am unsure of as the power point slides prompt me to deliver the correct information in the right order and I don't feel as if I am constantly referring to my lesson plan or notes. This goes a long way to making me feel confident and thereby making my students feel more confident.
I have experienced a small amount of unreliability with incorporating technology (digital projectors, limited use of laptop, slow internet and videos that just wouldn't play!) but overall I have been very impressed with its usability, practicality and benefits in the classroom. Plus, one the power point presentations have been created, they can be stored as a resource to use when teaching the topic again. My mentor teacher has asked me to pass on a few of my presentations, which is very encouraging... must be on the right track!
Go Power Point!
From Data to Design – Reflections on CERA15
9 years ago
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