By my title you could probably safely assume that I am well and truly lost with this particular technology! I get it, I really do, or at least I get how it would be handy to use in the classroom, in the fact that it enhances PowerPoint's usability. But this, at least somewhat technologically savvy person I believe myself to be, has been well and truly beaten!
I obviously need to spend more time mastering this one, and isn't this the point of life-long learning? But for this moment I give up! My time has run out and so with a bitter taste in my mouth I admit defeat.
The 'flexibility' of external study is, I can assure you, not all it is cracked up to be. I would love in situations such as this, to be able to look across to a peer, lecturer, tutor, anyone! and ask... please HELP!
I have exceeded my expectations in this subject, and have until this point, been able to both use and indeed see the uses for all of the technologies we have covered thus far. Don't get me wrong, Slide Share has not been a complete failure, I have managed to successfully upload my PowerPoint to the site, and have also managed to include a YouTube video into the presentation (please see my post: Battle: Phebe Vs PowerPoint). Alas, at the final hurdle however I have fallen in a heap when trying to upload an audio file and synchronise it to my display. Not all is lost, my PowerPoint presentation (or part there of) is embedded in my blog, and even this, a skill I would've thought impossible at the beginning of this course, is a testament to how far I have come in 7 weeks. Though obviously, there is still much learning to do... the story of a teachers life I guess!
From Data to Design – Reflections on CERA15
9 years ago
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